

G1SL Patch season 0.5 dan 05.1

Naka site Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

G1SL Patch season 0.5


- Update Launcher support kitserver 11.0.2
- Update transfer/formasi liga eropa
- Update transfer/formasi ISL
- Fix kits J.league, Partizan, Zilina, India, Yordania
- Fix kits Timnas Indonesia
- Fix template scanface, dan tatto masih tetap bisa dipakai

catatan : - Season ini hanya untuk update season 0.5 jadi wajib instal season 0.5- Wajib restart ulang ML & BAL di Liga Indonesia (ISL) karena ada perubahan struktur liga & database. Kalo ga restart dijamin ERROR- Wajib setting launcher dari awal lagi, soalnya bakal balik ke default settingnya- Ada bug pada Scoreboard Libertadores, jadi jangan digunakan karena masih dicari penyebab errornya
.- dengan menggunakan database Eropa League, berarti balarupa akan bisa memainkan semua liga Eropa (EPL, SerieA, BBVA, Eredivisie, Ligue1 & Bundesliga) dengan nationality & Timnas Indonesia. +penambahan liga div2
 dari liga Inggris, Jerman, Spanyol & Italia. (Terimakasih untuk Khangpro yang sudah mengijinkan kami untuk menggunakan database Bundesliga & D2 liga eropa)
- Sementara untuk bermain dengan Liga Indonesia (ISL) balarupa harus menggunakan database Asia League. nantinya semua liga eropa di database Asia akan digantikan oleh Top5 liga di benua Asia. sehingga nantinya tim Indonai dikerjakan adalah J.League menggantikan EPL

Gururupa1ndonesia Patcher team:
aLpHoekHat, andi_qanue, Anri Januar, Ayiep, azzuryo, bakero_133, Billy.D04nk5, Cahyakalbu, da_cott, Des!m@l, Dolphin™, Feirha, hafizgnx, jablay07, khartanto, kuarif, laskar kuda jingkrak, leces, Manusia Milenium, meowismynickname, metay, museblackhole, nafra, nanda_abiz, onetkun, pcsixer, penze, permana86, porskyvic, R13Z, raito_kun, R4m130, redsic85, rendrasatria, ujangendut, VALKYRI, xocang, yrdnariv

Credit & Thanks to:
- balarupa di forum :
Aba jr, june_dawn, chochoholic, Fer1e_jstar, Junior Iqfar, ryanichiro, kidstronger, boongasz, ryu_ryu, yudho12, Ardhy Child, Dhimaz_354, titoe21_idiotclub, aliep, Robinson22

- patch maker & editing tools develepor
Juce, Robbie, Stelios, w!Ld@, obocaman, barcafan, Tottimas, Obocaman, Skunk, goldorakiller, barcafan, MxSoniC, EPT, WECN, boca, ovit, starvin, Txak, mido_nasrat, Hawke, DeFade, kizadorcol, PATe, Simcut, -RKO-, Asiat, klashman69, boonaun, arquero7171, yair12, komunitta, astrace77, youniss, mstar, Inas, oesukinsyn, Müller Bento, christopher91, pijan08, khangpro281292, khanhnd0709h, Mr.Tititu92, Arsenal4Life, Scottish Carson, biker_jim_uk, Macbull, PESBalkan team, diNo, stranx, Kyra, Tich, Dunksuriya

- semua member forum
- semua balarupa forum
- semua KASKUS-er di thread game PES-KASKUS


Norton Internet Security 2012 v19.0.0.128 (Final+Crack)

Naka site Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Norton Internet Security 2012 v19.0.0.128 (Final+Crack) | 119 MB

The Internet is a dangerous place, and cybercriminals are getting more creative in ways to target you and your invaluable personal information. Norton Internet Security 2012 provides our most powerful virus, online and PC protection so you can do more without interruption.

WHAT'S NEW in Norton Internet Security 2012

Fake AV is one of the most visible and wide-spread threats that Internet users face today. Fake AV pretends to be security software and tempts the user to pay for it. Even worse, it can install additional malware on the system and claim the system is clean. New for 2012, we’ve included SONAR 4.0 and Norton Power Eraser 2.0 to help our customers combat Fake AV.
SONAR Policy Enforcement – Have the ability to convict a suspicious process based on a behavioral “profile.” To create these profiles, an analyst looks at the 500+ attributes that SONAR tracks and make a series of associations
Non Process Threats (NPTs). As the name suggests, these threats are not active processes by themselves, but they inject themselves into legitimate active processes. SONAR 4.0 technology is able to much more aggressively remove threats on pre-infected machines.
Norton Power Eraser
Norton Power Eraser runs in Windows Pre-Install Environment (WinPE) and will be accessible when running the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool. That means users get additional leverage over malware because Norton Power Eraser is run from a completely separate environment (WinPE) where the malware is not running and can scan the OS and more partitions.
Integration with Specialized Tools
Both scanning and network layer security components will now look out for threats that require removal tools and inform the customer that they may have a serious infection that requires a special removal tool. These users will be provided with a link to download these tools. This closes the gap and provides extended protection.
Google Chrome browser – best support ever
Comes full circle on the Chrome browser by supporting Identity Safe and Safe Web features.
-Reduction in footprint, resulting in smaller download and install sizes
-Faster startup and shutdown
-Enhanced scan time and file copy performance, resulting in faster scans and file access operations, and having very little or no impact in other application launches.
-Enhanced network throughput, resulting in faster file copies over the network. More and more users are using sophisticated home networks and the changes in 2012 ensures that our security software gets out of their way for things like shared network file servers and other conveniences of today’s digital home
Identity Safe 2.0 in the cloud
Supports storing your data in the secure Norton cloud. You can set up Identity Safe in the cloud and use it from multiple computers. An online profile is created using your existing Norton Account.
Identity Safe also gets a completely revamped user interface. It has adapted a lower profile push-down browser toolbar and gotten rid of the old style popup windows, reducing distraction from your browsing experience.
Download Insight 2.0
Norton’s Community Watch system provides us with information about millions of applications and their behaviors. Stability is measured by looking at an application’s crash and hang frequency over time. The higher the number, the less stable the application is.
Bandwidth Metering
There has been an explosion in availability of mobile broadband devices. These devices are either built into your laptop or you can buy them separately. In addition, more and more smartphones support data tethering. Almost all mobile broadband plans limit data usage. Norton 2012 products rely on our cloud services to give you the best performance and protection. Now with Norton 2012 products, you can set policies on how much bandwidth Norton product will use to suit your data usage plans.
Norton In-Product Support Experience (AutoFix)
Helps you in rare case s when you have a problem with the product. The new automated support experience will scan your product to see if it can identify any problems. For example, it will look to see if your product had any installation or configuration problems. If there are problems that can be automatically fixed, Norton Autofix will try to fix those problems for you.


Wade Instruments EZ Schematics v4.0414

Naka site

WinApp | Wade Instruments EZ Schematics v4.0414 | 3.27 Mb

EZ Schematics is a professional application designed for developing electrical schematics. Never before has there been a CAD program easier to use than EZ Schematics. If you need to draw electrical schematics quickly and easily, this is the software application you can depend on.

In addition to the software being a simple to use CAD program, its rich features also make it easy to utilize the program as a training mechanism. Create and print professional looking electrical schematics quickly and easily. Insert relay logic into your drawings faster than any other CAD program.

All of the most popular American symbols (over 60) already predrawn in 1/4" or 1/2" increments for easy and precise insertion. Symbols include contacts, relays, timers, motors, limit switches, pressure switches, thermal switches, flow switches, push buttons, selector switches, overloads and more.

Spoiler for SS:

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 640x785.


Faronics Deep Freeze Server Enterprise v7.20.270.3398

Naka site

Faronics Deep Freeze Server Enterprise v7.20.270.3398 ! 200 MB 
Deep Freeze instantly protects and preserves baseline computer configurations. No matter what changes a user makes to a workstation, simply restart to eradicate all changes and reset the computer to its original state - right down to the last byte. Expensive computer assets are kept running at 100% capacity and technical support time is reduced or eliminated completely.>>>

The result is consistent trouble-free computing on a truly protected and parallel network, completely free of harmful viruses and unwanted programs. While Deep Freeze provides bulletproof protection, its non-restrictive approach also improves user productivity and satisfaction. Placing no restrictions on a user's ability to access all system resources, users avoid the frustration of downtime due to software conflicts, operating system corruption, virus attacks, and many other problems. Users are always assured of computers that are consistently operable and available.  

FotoSketcher v2.10

Naka site Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Apakah anda suka melihat gambar Lukisan atau foto - foto sketsa, jika suka pasti anda ingin sekali membuat foto atau gambar anda di buat seperti itu. Untuk itu anda pasti akan mengeluarkan uang untuk membuat foto menjadi lukisan atau sketsa.

Tapi sekarang anda tidak perlu lagi repot - repot untuk merubah foto menjadi sebuah Lukisan maupun sketsa, karena dengan software FotoSketcher v2.10 anda akan merubah foto sesuai dengan keinginan anda dan anda dapat melakukannya dengan sangat mudah.

FotoSketcher merupakan aplikasi yang dibuat khusus untuk merubah foto menjadi Lukisan yang indah, sketsa pensil dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Penggunaan FotoSketcher sangat mudah, karena memiliki tampilan yang sangat simple, sehingga tidak membingungkan anda pada saat menggunakannya.

Hasil Lukis FotoSketcher 1.97

Ada banyak pilihan "Drawing Style" yang telah disediakan, seperti Pencil Sketch, Pen and Ink Sketch, Painting, dll. Anda tinggal pilih sesuai selera. Kemudian anda tinggal atur settingan gambar yang tepat, anda dapat meliha perbuahan gambar secara langsung pada kotak preview, jika sudah sesuai anda tinggal meng-klik tombol "Draw It!" anda juga dapat menambahkan frame pada foto, dengan men-check list Add a Frame pada Drawing Parameters.

FotoSketcher 2.10 ini merupakan software yang dapat anda gunakan tanpa harus menggunakan Crack, SN, Keygen dan sejenisnya. Karena software ini 100% Freeware seperti yang dikatakan pada situs resminya.
Full Version (Installer) 
Portable Version 

Internet Download Manager 6.07

Naka site Selasa, 12 Juli 2011
bagi temen-temen yang suka download pastinya uda g asing dengan yang namanya Internet Download Manager atau IDM. Nah ini aku punya versi 6.07. aku juga sertakan jamunya. cara memakai jamu uda aku sertakan di file downloadnya.


Microsoft Mathematics 4 Free Edition

Naka site Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Microsoft Mathematics 4 (awalnya Microsoft Math) adalah program edukasi gratis, dibuat untuk sistem operasi Microsoft Windows, yang membantu pengguna untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika and sains. Dibangun dan diprakarsai oleh Microsoft, Microsoft Mathematics secara pokok ditargetkan untuk pelajar sebagai alat bantu belajar.

Add-on yang menawarkan fitur dari Microsoft Mathematics tersedia untuk Microsoft Word 2007. Add-on ini juga diprakarsai oleh Microsoft dan tersedia gratis untuk pengguna Microsoft Word yang berhasil memvalidasi Microsoft Word mereka melalui Genuine Microsoft Program.

Microsoft Mathematics telah menerima Award of Excellence dari Tech & Learning Magazine pada tahun 2008.

Microsoft Mathematics memiliki fitur yang didesain untuk membantu dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika, sains, dan sejenisnya, sebaik mungkin untuk mendidik pengguna. Fitur aplikasi ini adalah sebagai graphing calculator dan unit converter. Aplikasi ini juga memiliki triangle solver, dan equation solver yang menyediakan penyelesaian langkah demi langkah untuk setiap permasalahan, fitur yang sangat berguna bagi pelajar untuk belajar memecahkan masalah matematika.

Versi standalone dari Microsoft Mathematics juga telah memiliki support untuk Ink Handwriting, memperbolehkan pengguna untuk menulis permasalahan / persamaan pada Handwriting Pad menggunakan mouse untuk kemudian dikenali / di-scan oleh Microsoft Mathematics.


Loan Calc 2.7.2 Multilingual

Naka site Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

WinApp & MacOS | Loan Calc 2.7.2 Multilingual | 2.02 Mb

Loan Calc is an easy-to-use tool intended to calculate loans and mortgages repayments in a very simple way.

Loan Calc calculates repayments amount, monthly and total interest, total repayments and generates a full repayment list from a start date. Loan Calc is currency-independent so it can be used with Dollars, Francs, Marks, Pounds,... or whatever you like. Just use a dot or a comma for decimals depending on your system settings.

Loan Calc lets you select both period and interest compounding from continuous (compounding only), weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually and annually. Furthermore Loan Calc allows you to save all the repayment list to a text file or an Excel sheet.

Key Features
- Detects and use your language if available:
- Calculates loan repayments according to amount, rate, duration...
- Support for interest compounding.
- Generates full payment list from a start date.
- Exports repayment lists to text files or Excel sheets.
- Currency independent - Easy-to-use interface.
- Native versions for Mac OS X (Universal) and Windows.


kumpulan program matematika

Naka site
  1. Algebra 1solved
  2. Algebra 2 Solved
  3. calculus Solved
  4. precalculus Solved
  5. Geometri Solved
  6.  MathWave EasyFit Professional 5.20
Semoga Bermanfaat.....

Matlab 2010

Naka site
Mathworks Matlab R2010a ISO | 5.01 GB

MATLAB® is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster than with traditional programming languages, such as C, C++, and Fortran. You can use MATLAB in a wide range of applications, including signal and image processing, communications, control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and analysis, and computational biology. Add-on toolboxes (collections of special-purpose MATLAB functions, available separately) extend the MATLAB environment to solve particular classes of problems in these application areas. MATLAB provides a number of features for documenting and sharing your work. You can integrate your MATLAB code with other languages and applications, and distribute your MATLAB algorithms and applications.

Key Features

* High-level language for technical computing.
* Development environment for managing code, files, and data.
* Interactive tools for iterative exploration, design, and problem solving.
* Mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, filtering, optimization, and numerical integration.
* 2-D and 3-D graphics functions for visualizing data.
* Tools for building custom graphical user interfaces.
* Functions for integrating MATLAB based algorithms with external applications and languages, such as C, C++, Fortran, Java, COM, and Microsoft Excel.


Aplikasi JAR to EXE

Naka site
buat temen2  yang mau coba games dulu tanpa punya hp bisa pakai aplikasi ini seperti semacam emulator...

jadi sebelum masuk ke HP bisa di tester dulu pakai aplikasi ini untuk suka atau tidaknya terhadap games tersebut...
ane udah cobain, dan menurut ane ini sangat berguna sekali...
semoga berguna...


DART Karaoke Studio 4.1

Naka site

The best and most awarded karaoke software in the market today! Suppress the Main Vocal from most Stereo Recordings ,Synchronize Lyrics with Music,Sing-Along and Record your Performance, Full Screen Playback Display
Dartech continue their run of high-quality software with this comprehensive and stylish karaoke package. Everything is included from ripping your CDs onto your hard disk (it supports WAV, MP3 and WMA), inserting and synchronising lyrics, removing the vocals and finally playing your karaoke tracks in full screen. You can even write your tracks back to CD. The interface is super sharp and relatively simple although the wizard and tutorial arent as helpful as they could be. While removing vocals is still extremely difficult (and downright impossible for some tracks) DART Karaoke Studio is still a serious piece of software and offers a great way to make the most of your karaoke collection.
Family Fun-sters
Sing- along parties are great home entertainment
Create custom Karaoke for birthdays, anniversaries and reunions.
KJs (Karaoke Jockeys), DJs
Have the hottest tunes for every party.
Build custom Karaoke playlists.
Personalize popular tunes for events
Party Animals
Show up with the wildest Karaoke tracks
Build parody Karaoke
Radio Stations
DeVocalize the latest hits for promotions
Create custom station ID with pop music
Music for Teachers and Students
Mix your singing with professional tracks
Learn the lyrics: stop and start anywhere in the song
Create audition CDs with the greatest accompaniment.
Garage Bands Singers
Record audition tracks with the original back-up
Practice cover tunes with the best recordings
Friends & Lovers
Make a special recording or Karaoke Track for a friend
Create your own love song
After installation of Dart Karaoke Studio, double-click the program to open, click on Help /About and choose Unlock, your computer ID will be shown, copy this computer ID and run the keygen, paste the computer ID and generate your activation, paste this activation on the unlock dialog box and click OK. Thats all there is to it.


Camfrog video chat room server 5.1.129

Naka site
Camfrog Video Chat allows you to join real streaming video chat rooms where you can hear, see, and chat with many people at a time. Instant message a user to get to know them before you Webcam chat, and add them to your contact list. This videoconferencing software also works behind most firewalls and routers.

nb : biar jd pro edit dl di registry nya
Klik Start >> Run >> Regedit >> Ok. Lalu masuk ke HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCamfrogClientCurrentV ersionProfileInfo # Sampai di situ pasti akan ditemukan tulisan "AplicationData", nah itu di klik kanan terus rename menjadi "AplicationData1" 

Computer Repair Utility Kit AIO

Naka site

Computer Repair Utility Kit AIO (Jun 2011) | 150MB

The Computer Repair Utility Kit allows you to run all of the repair tools from your portable drive (eg. USB Flash Drive, External Hard Drive, iPod etc.) and comes with an easy to use, right-click menu. A must in any computer technicians kit.

sumber :

Solid PDF Tools 7.0 build 1043

Naka site

Solid PDF Tools is one of several excellent PDF conversion and creation products from Solid Documents. With Solid PDF tools you can Convert PDF to HTML. Use advanced document reconstruction to convert PDF to formatted W3C compliant XHTML. Figures out columns, convert PDF to Text. Use advanced document reconstruction to extract flowing text content from PDF. Figures out columns. Removes headers and footers.


sumber :

Caricature Movie Cartoonizer v1.0.3842 WinAll FINAL

Naka site
Movie Cartoonizer will help users transform their videos into animated clips.
Just load a movie (in avi ,wmv, asf, mpg or mpeg format), click a few buttons and view the result animation.
The animated clip can be saved in gif or avi or wmf format
The animated gif can be easily included in a web page.
This is a program both for novice users and for amateur designers

sumber :

Smart Translator 1.0 Final - Speaking Translator

Naka site


SMART-Translator are designed with intuitive and easy to operate display by user that has been become accustomed use applications in environment of Microsoft Windows operating system. A large part of menu structure and operation ways SMART-Translator equal to application programs Windows in general.
SMART (Simple Accurate Translator) is language translator software bases on computer converses. Compared to software other translator that has circulated in the market, SMART haves excesses as follows:
· SMART can say sentence Bahasa UK and Indonesian [language] because SMART is provided with technology of Indonesian [language] text to speech and can exploit text to speech that provided in Microsoft Windows operating system.
· SMART are designed with user interface in common (standar) with application programs in environment of Microsoft Windows operating system, until one who first time mengoperasikanpun will easily use software SMART.

· SMART are provided with technology "smart translation and smart dictionary", so it's can conduct better translation was from software of a kind other when translate word/sentence that hung from context that the of.
· SMART conducts quicker translation
· SMART can translate Microsoft Word document directly, until a large part of document formats that already you make in Microsoft Word can be defended. 

nb: win 7 not recomended

TurboCASH Accounting

Naka site
TurboCASH Accounting, entry level Accounting package for single users, small networks and distributed networks. Delphi development in Windows, Linux in Wine. Accomodates developer scripts, local plugins and multi language translation. Ideal for SME mark


Ulead Photo Express 6 Full Version

Naka site Selasa, 28 Juni 2011
Ulead Photo Express 6 is a photo editing application package that is designed for beginners who want to get something quick, without too much hassle. Ulead Photo Express offers some nice extra that lets you convert your photos into photo albums, calendars, cards, web pages and web albums.


AutoCAD 2010 Full Version

Naka site
AutoCAD 2010 is a CAD computer software that allows you to draw 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional which has been developed by Autodesk. Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 is used by civil engineers, land developers, architects, mechanical engineers, interior designers and others. With AutoCAD 2010, your ideas can take shape with greater clarity and accuracy than ever before, thanks to the means of the new surface modeling and support the cloud point. New inferred limited ability to work with the parameters that make it easier, and updated productivity tools help you deliver the final design documentation faster than before.

Autodesk AutoCad v2010 Final [ x86 ]
Autodesk AutoCad v2010 Final [x64]
Crack All

sumber :

Master Visio Standard 2010 Full Version

Naka site
Visio Standard 2010 offers a modern tools and intuitive diagrams to transform complex ideas into important moments. A set of various forms of pre - drawn shapes, pictures and templates and a new automated equipment to draw and make the visualization easier than ever. Meeting the needs of Visio 2010 diagrams for IT, business, process management, and more with the form of pre - drawn shapes and intelligent templates. Drawing Diagrams with Visio Fast through and if you 're creating a diagram or modify existing ones, Visio 2010 helps you to add and align the shapes that are easier and accurate with features such as Quick Shapes Mini Toolbar, Auto Page Size, and Auto Align & Space.

part 1
part 2


Proteus 7.7 SP2 Pro_2

Naka site
Beberapa saat yang lalau, ada praktikan yang gagal membuat sebuah rangkaian. Akhirnya saya mengenalkan Software PROTEUS kepada mereka sekedar untuk belajar. S yukur2 bermanfaat membuat lebih semangat belajar tentang elektronika.
Yuph… Sebelum membuat rangkaian elektronika, ada baiknya kita simulasikan terlebih dahulu rancangan rangkaian kita menggunakan software cerdas bernama PROTEUS. Disini, kita bisa bermain-main dengan simulasi, sehingga dengan mudah kita mengetahui apakah rancangan elektronika kita sudah benar atau masih ada yang salah. Buat teman-teman yang baru mendengar istilah PROTEUS ini, berikut saya berikan tutorial singkat cara menggunakan software simulasi elektronika ini. Sangat mudah dan simple.
1.  Instal PROTEUS, kemudian jalankan Aplikasi ini.
2. Akan muncul GUI seperti gambar di bawah ini
3. Kemudian pilih komponen yang akan digunakan, lihat gambar. Pada toolbox sebelah kiri, pilih Component mode kemudian klik tombol yang berisi huruf P Untuk mengaktifkan Pick Device.
Pick Device adalah box dialog untuk memilih komponen yang akan kita gunakan.
pilih komponen
4.  Akan muncul box dialog, isikan komponen yang Anda inginkan pada kolom keywords. misalnya  diisi 7408 kemudian pilih salah satu list komponen yang muncul, klik OK!

PDF Protection Remover

Naka site
sebelumnya saya udah posting tentang PDF password remover,,kali ini saya akan posting tentang posting cara remove proteksi file pdf.
pastinya kalian pernah jumpa ama file pdf yang g bisa di copy,edit ataupun di print. nah untuk mengatasi hal tersebut software ini sangatlah ampuh.


PDF Password Remover

Naka site
ni adalah softwarre yang dapat digunakan buat nge remove password PDF. So bila kamu punya file pdf yang di password n gtw or lupa passwordnya,kamu g perlu khawatir. software ini bisa diandalkan.

PDF Password Remover

Eagle Profesional 11

Naka site

EAGLE Product information

The EAGLE Layout Editor is an easy to use, yet powerful tool for designing printed circuit boards (PCBs). The name EAGLE is an acronym, which stands for
Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor
The program consists of three main modules
which are embedded in a single user interface. Therefore there is no need for converting netlists between schematics and layouts.

Program Features (Professional Edition)


  • online Forward- and Back-Annotation
  • context sensitive help function
  • no hardware copy protection!
  • multiple windows for board, schematic and library
  • powerful User Language
  • integrated text editor
  • available for Windows, Linux and Mac

Layout Editor

  • maximum drawing area 1.6 x 1.6m (64 x 64 inch)
  • resolution 1/10,000mm (0.1 micron)
  • up to 16 signal layers
  • conventional and SMT parts
  • comes with a full set of part libraries
  • easily create your own parts with the fully integrated library editor
  • undo/redo function for ANY editing command, to any depth
  • script files for batch command execution
  • copper pouring
  • cut and paste function for copying entire sections of a drawing
  • design rule check
  • interactive Follow-me Router (requires the Autorouter module)

Schematic Editor

  • up to 999 sheets in one schematic
  • electrical rule check
  • gate and pinswap
  • create a board from a schematic with a single command


  • ripup&retry router
  • up to 16 signal layers
  • routing strategy driven by user definable cost factors

CAM Processor

  • Postscript
  • pen plotters
  • Gerber plotters
  • Excellon and Sieb&Meyer drill files
  • configurable through ASCII file for easy definition of your own output devices

System Requirements


  • Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7


  • Intel PC based Linux
  • Kernel version 2.6
  • X11 in at least 8bpp mode


  • Mac OS X 10.4 on PPC or Intel 

Download Eagle Pro 11 Full


Naka site
Ini nih software buat menghapus password RAR..Memang c prosesnya butuh waktu tapi yahuut buat di coba


Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended + Jamu

Naka site Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 Extended software is the ultimate solution for advanced digital imaging, delivering all the editing and compositing capabilities of Photoshop CS5 plus breakthrough tools that let you create and edit 3D and motion-based content.

Go beyond traditional image editing by bringing 3D elements to your 2D artwork directly within your favorite digital imaging application, which now offers an easy on-ramp to 3D image creation.

Explore new creative possibilities with tremendous precision and freedom. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair. Create realistic painting effects. Remove any image element and see the space fill in almost magically.
  1. part 1
  2. part 2
  3. part 3
  4. part 4
  5. part 5
  6. part 6
  7. part 7
  8. part 8
  9. part 9
  10. part 10
  11. part 11
  12. jamu

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5

Naka site
Creativity and power come together in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5. With increased speed, more accurate color control, enhanced vector illustration tools and new Web capabilities, it’s a must-have for any designer. Get going quickly with new professionally designed templates and learning materials. Find graphics, fonts and images on your computer faster than ever with new Corel® CONNECT. Re-purpose and share your creations anywhere with expanded file compatibility. Then output everywhere, from Web banners and animations, to logos, custom signs and more.

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 is a collection of graphics applications including CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, clip art, fonts, stock photos, and a number of supporting applications. The trial and electronic download versions are available today a in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Dutch.

part 1 
part 2 

Microsoft Office 2010 Pofesional Plus Activated Forever Genuine

Naka site
Microsoft Office 2010 offers rich and powerful new ways to deliver your best wk at the office home school. Grab your audience's attention and inspire them with your ideas visually. Create results with people at the same time and stay connected to your files across the town around the wld. With Office 2010 you're in control of getting things done and delivering amazing results accding to your schedule.

Microsoft Wd 2010
Microsoft Excel 2010
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
Microsoft OneNote 2010
Microsoft Outlook 2010 with Business Contact Manager
Microsoft Publisher 2010
Microsoft Access 2010
Microsoft Communicat
Microsoft InfoPath 2010
Microsoft SharePoint Wkspace 2010


Adobe® Creative Suite® 5 Master Collection

Naka site
Creative Suite 5 Master Collection components
• Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 Extended
• Adobe® Illustrator® CS5
• Adobe® InDesign® CS5
• Adobe® Acrobat® 9.3 Professional
• Adobe® Flash® Catalyst™ CS5 • Adobe® Flash® Professional CS5
• Adobe® Flash® Builder™ 4 Standard
• Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5
• Adobe® Fireworks® CS5
• Adobe® Contribute® CS5
• Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS5
• Adobe® After Effects® CS5
• Adobe® Soundbooth® CS5
• Adobe® OnLocation™ CS5
• Adobe® Encore® CS5
• Adobe® Bridge CS5
• Adobe® Device Central CS5
• Adobe® Media Encoder CS5
• Adobe® Extension Manager
• Integrates with Adobe® CS Live online services*
*Adobe CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time and include
Adobe® BrowserLab, Adobe® CS Review,, Adobe® Story and
SiteCatalyst® NetAverages†

  1. part 1
  2. part 2
  3. part 3
  4. part 4
  5. part 5
  6. part 6
  7. part 7
  8. part 8
  9. keygen

    Tutorial Rubik 4x4x4

    Naka site Senin, 03 Januari 2011
    Copyright 2010 Hiroshi Nakayo